Friday, July 9, 2010

Being.... Surrender....Calm... Passion... Release ....Play.... Explore ...Be Spontaneous ....Receive.... Smudge.... Print... Mould ....Relax.... Let Go.... Awaken.... Be Alive.... In the now.... Wake up.... Doodle... Breath... Float... Relate... Share... Witness... Grounded.... Evolve... Listen... Feel.... Colours = CREATIVITY!

What is Creativity?

According to Wikipedia, creativity is defined as:
"Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality.  The process involves original thinking and then producing."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Looking into the art process

My love and passion for art is instinctual to me.   If I was on a desert island, it would be my water.  If I was suffocating, it would be air. I am able to get in touch with my depths of being and very existence.  Art is a platform for expression, interpretation, freedom and fun.. It is forgiving and liberating. It captivates one and pulls one into another surreal world, without limitations and boundaries.  One can have fun and play and get back in touch with ones inner child.  

As children  we are born untouched.. We don't have any programming.  Our minds are innocent and receptive.  It is only that once we start entering adulthood,  do we start acquiring a  set of "judges".  These judges are the very source of all our obstacles we put before us, in art and so too in life.  They beat us down at the back of our minds, shouting comments like "you cannot draw or paint", " you are not artistic!", "whats is that supposed to be?" etc...

As an adult, walking into an art studio  for the first time can  be  terrifying as we carry these judges in our heads and they come down hard on us at the best of times.  The very thought of putting paint to paper can be scary, as well as being confronted by a blank canvas.  Where do I start?  Is this the correct colour.? What will my class think of me and what will the teacher think?  Will they point a finger at me and laugh and ask what an earth am I doing here?

The Creative Beings Art Studio philosophy is  one which allows total freedom, devoid of these judges which block us and do not serve us any purpose.  In this safe environment,  we learn to work with these judges that block us and in this way we allow ourselves to be more receptive and trusting in our artmaking. This gentle, nurturing approach is what is encouraged, regardless If you have been doing art for years, or are a complete beginner.


"Looking beyond " by sharon lopis May 2010

                                               "Freedom of a red dance" sharon lopis 2010

This gift to you ....." I got lost in the creative process- where did the time go?"

 "When I am immersed in creativity - time is no concern.. I loose myself in a magical world.... I world of possibilities, no judgement, no restriction, surreal, fantasy, a place to play, a place to get in touch with ones inner child.... and more so a safe space."  

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. "Alan Alda

" My Studio"

So many adults are blocked about their creativity, with the assumption that they cannot draw. This judgement could be even traced back to an art teacher who could of criticised them for example.. At the beginning students often come into an art studio with their judges and this approach which I will be facilitating enables one to bypass their critical "judges". It is based on process rather then producing a pre-conceived product - rather focusing on the process of creativity. Its about unblocking ones creativity and allowing access to the non-judgemental self...Students are asked not to make comments about each others works nor judge. As the student becomes more comfortable in this process so too do they develop a deeper understanding of the process and themselves. The material we use are mixed media like dyes inks, jik, pastels, paint, clay, college material etc . These allow one to be able "play" and are inexpensive thus also encouraging non-attachment to product outcomes.
 The first course I will be running is "Creative Beginnings "-The Introductory Course" This course is designed to:
  • Discover the artist within and celebrate your personal unique creativity.
    Explore your own set of personal symbols and images (personal iconography).

  • Discover aspects of yourself that you may not be aware of.
  • Play and have fun!- release the inner child.
  • Bypass the critic within and thefreedom to create, to surrender to the process.
  • Explore many aspects and media of artmaking'
  • Go with the flow with no predictable planned outcomes and to enjoy the surprise effects.
  • Experience a variety of inspiration methods and reflections process.
  • Feel part of a group process and the benefits thereof.

In this course we will be exploring the following art processes/media:
mixed media, collage, clay sculpture, painting, drawing and monoprinting.
No prior art experience is necessary and if you have had previous art experience that is fine too as the process learnt here will be totally innovative and can also target existing "artists" who are very "outcome and product based" by allowing a safe space of process and non-attachment and judgment.

Sharon Lopis
cell: 083 5970032