The "Creative Beings Process Art Studio" is based on the "Astar" apporach.
ASTAR is a non-judgemental approach to artmaking where the creative process is the focus rather than the art products. There are no planned outcomes or expectations. You are encouraged to work spontaneously and to trust the creative process. You are invited to express yourself honestly and to honour all that is made with acceptance.
At the beginning of each session, the facilitator guides the group through an inspiration process. This creates a focus for the artmaking activity. These processes are designed to bypass the critical, controlling mind so that you are able to let go of fear and surrender to the creative process.
At the end of each session, there is time for reflecting on the creative process and artistic learnings. This is also an opportunity to explore meaning and make connections between art and life.
The Studio Ethos
The Astar artmaking process takes place in a space which is safe, respectful and non-judgemental. All present are encouraged to practise an attitude of total acceptance. Students are discouraged to comment on the work of others as even praise can inhibit the process. The facilitator ensures a nurturing and contained space for free expression.
The studio is quiet and undisturbed by the outside world. The process is essentially non-verbal and all cellphones are switched off. In this way, the space is opened up for everyone present. Participants experience a timeless space, a great relief in their busy lives.The ethos of the studio is co-created by the group and the facilitator. A sacred space is created where honest and meaningful creative processes can take place.
Is the Astar process Art Therapy?
“Art is medicine for the soul”
There are great healing benefits when you express yourself creatively in a safe, non-judgemental space. At the heart of the Astar practice, is self-acceptance which is a fundamental key to healing. Rediscovering and honouring your creative self is essential in the journey towards wholeness. Creative expression awakens the life force within and enlivens us. The artmaking process is often relaxing and restorative as it engages the “don’t think mind” and encourages playfulness. Learning to trust the process and find intuitive solutions in artmaking, encourages the same attitude in life.
The process can be light and playful, or meditative or at times, deeply moving and powerful. This is the true nature of artmaking and artists since the beginning of time have known this.
The Astar process is a wellness practice drawing on art’s transformative powers for health and well-being. It is a gentle, natural self-healing process. It is wholistic involving body, mind, heart and spirit. While it is not Art Therapy as such, it certainly is one of the Healing Arts.
How did the Astar process come about?
The Astar process has been developed by Lindy Solomon. Lindy has been involved in art education, curriculum development and teacher training for over twenty five years. She has written two books on art teaching and has facilitated art processes for thousands of adults and children.
The experience of working with young children taught Lindy the great value of free, spontaneous artmaking without expectations or judgement. Young children have been her greatest teachers in creative expression. Her experience of teaching art to adults of all ages in a variety of communities, from very disadvantaged areas to more affluent areas revealed the universal transformative power of art for personal growth. Over the years she became more and more aware of the healing power of art made in an atmosphere of total acceptance. All this led to a specific carefully designed approach and methodology which is now called the Astar process.
Lindy is presently teaching and training facilitators using the innovative Astar approach. She has designed a series of courses which are taught by Astar trained facilitators around Cape Town.